4 Ways to Control Hair Loss


Scalp and Hair Loss Treatment and CureHair loss is a disconcerting problem for most people who are faced with it. It can be quite stressful to see your hair dropping excessively and feeling helpless. Although there are numerous hair loss treatments available in the market, these treatments can costly. Americans spend in excess of $3.5 billion on hair treatments annually.

In addition, drugs taken orally to combat hair loss have been reported to have many side effects by their users. In this article, we explore natural remedies that you can implement in addition to having hair loss treatments to achieve a holistic hair loss cure.

  1. Massage, the Basic therapy

The best and basic scalp treatment comes in the form of head massage. The science behind massaging your head is that it conditions the follicles. Massaging the scalp increases blood flow, strengthens the roots of your hair and boosts the skin’s nutrient absorption abilities. Massaging also dislodges dandruff, which contributes to hair fall.

Last but not least, massaging the scalp stimulates hormone production that reduces stress, another major contribution factor to hair loss.

  1. Knowing Your Scalp Type

Knowing your scalp type and then using the corresponding products allow the hair follicles to function at optimum level in order to stop hair fall and sustain healthy hair growth.

  1. Nutritional Food Intake

A nutrient-rich diet is important if you wish to keep your hair healthy. The following nutrients are quite vital for your hair health:

  • Protein

Hair is primarily Keratin, a type of protein. Hence, protein content in your food is key. Common sources of protein rich food- eggs, milk, beans, sea food, yogurt. Once your body receives ample protein, you will see visible changes in your hair and scalp health.

  • Iron

Iron carries oxygen throughout your body. Deficiency of hinders blood circulation to your hair follicles. It weakens the hair and they ultimately fall. Common sources of iron- egg yolks, red meat, leafy vegetables, beans, liver and mollusks.

Other Vitamins and minerals that have direct impact on your hair health include: Zinc, Vitamin B and C.

  1. Stress Management

If you are taking care of all the necessary nutrient requirement as well as massaging your scalp and yet the problem persists then it’s all in your head. And by that, we mean that you are stressed out. Managing your stress becomes crucial and for that you can take necessary actions to keep this in check.

from PHS HAIRSCIENCE – News & Articles http://www.phshairscience.com/blogs/news-articles/95851462-4-ways-to-control-hair-loss
via PHS Hairscience

6 Symptoms and Causes of Hair Loss


Symptoms of Hair Loss and Scalp TreatmentAs much as it is thought to affect aging men and women, hair loss can actually occur to anyone at any time of life. It can be worrying when hair begins to fall more than what is normal. Add this to the stress of feeling helpless and you might have a hair loss crisis on your hands.

As per the cycle of hair growth, it is normal to lose 100 hairs every day. However, having an average hair fall exceeding that is cause for concern. There are a lot of ways to determine whether you are suffering from hair loss and what is possibly causing it.

In this article, we learn about the symptoms and causes of hair loss. The right kind of hair loss treatment is only ascertained once you begin to understand the potential causes.


  1. Excessive Hairstyling

Styling your hair is a necessity these days to keep yourself up to date for various formal and social occasions. However, if your hair styling involves any style where you tie your hair tightly, it can damage your hair follicles.

Using harsh dyes and bleaching the hair can contribute to hair loss. Sometimes, this may lead to permanent hair loss as well.

  1. Abnormal Stress and Poor Health

Sickness, stress and other health conditions are also contributors to hair loss. Conditions such as Alopecia Areata, tends to trigger hair loss throughout the body. Iron deficiency and other infections can also cause hair loss.

  1. Drugs and Vitamins

Taking certain medications and drugs can also cause hair loss. For example, Chemotherapy is well known for triggering hair loss as it kills all fast growing cells inside the body. The follicles are also attacked during the process and therefore, patients face hair loss throughout the body.

High blood pressure treatment medicines are also said to initiate hair fall and if the level of Vitamin A exceeds the optimum limit, there is an increased chance of hair loss.

  1. Aging

With age, a person is bound to lose hair from the body. In men, hair loss can lead to baldness while in women, it has milder effects. Women usually lose hair on temples and top of the head.

  1. Hormone Problems

In women, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy and childbirth and hormone-related medications can also result in hair loss.

In these cases, the hair loss might be temporary, however, getting a scalp treatment quickly can reduce the effect that hormones have on the growth of the hair.

  1. Diet

It is something which often goes neglected but diet has quite an impact on your hair health. Our hair need vitamins and iron to grow and stay strong. A diet lacking in these nutrients, may lead to hair fall. Maintaining a healthy diet can help you avoid hair loss in such conditions.

from PHS HAIRSCIENCE – News & Articles http://www.phshairscience.com/blogs/news-articles/95849030-6-symptoms-and-causes-of-hair-loss
via PHS Hairscience

How to Fight Hair Loss In Men


Fight Hair Loss in Men

Do you know why more and more men are considering scalp treatment? Because, approximately 85% of the men aged 50 years or more are due to face hair thinning issue. Then, we can see the increase in number of men losing hairs before turning 21.

Normally, people associate hair loss to the following things:

  • Wearing a baseball cap (or any kind of scalp protection) quite often
  • Running fingers through the hair
  • Styling, brushing or combing hair frequently

Is there any connection of hair loss with these things? Certainly not, if you’re being gentle with them.

Keep in mind that hair loss is not the sign of bad health (except for certain health issues). Alopecia is not harmful, but if you love your hair, you’d definitely be worried.

Causes of Hair Loss

One of the leading cause of hair fall has been male-pattern baldness, which you inherit from your parents. The good thing is, if you don’t have hair-pattern baldness, the hair loss often reverses itself. So, if the hair loss was due to any of the following, it can be reversed:

  • Use of certain medications
  • Protein deficiency
  • Increase in vitamin A
  • Illness or stress

So, visit your dermatologist if you experience heavy shedding or hair thinning. It would be much easier for you to keep what you have, rather than wait to replace the hair. There’s always a risk in using hair treatments without prescription. Only your dermatologist can prescribe a particular hair loss treatment according to your scalp.

Male Pattern Baldness

Have you observed your hairline? Does it look M-shaped? Because, that’s the prominent sign of male pattern baldness. Then, the locks on the scalp begin to thin and leave a bald spot. Then the horseshoe pattern will show up around the sides.

This happens due to DHT – a hormone that shrinks hair follicles. After sometimes, the follicles get so small that hair cannot grow in them.

Hair Loss Treatment

As said, male pattern baldness is unstoppable, but you can always take your chances against it:

  1. Early Detection- Recognizing the early signs of hair loss and determining the right kind of hair loss treatment can make all the difference in sustaining a full head of hair- the sooner treatment begins, the higher the chances of stopping the hair follicles from shrinking
  1. DHTBlockers- The leading cause for hair loss in men is DHT. The hair loss treatment and products used to reverse this should target to protect the hair follicles and restore their thick, hair growth capabilities

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via PHS Hairscience

The Holistic Remedy for Hair Loss


Holistic Scalp Treatment to Prevent Hair LossEveryone loses some hair strands each day. So, if you see some hair falling while combing or brushing, it’s natural. An average human being loses about 80 hair strands on daily basis, as strands complete their normal life cycle. But when you see abnormal loss of hair, it’s time you should get a hair loss treatment.

Think About Your Activities

Abnormal hair loss occurs due to many reasons, such as:

  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Imbalanced diet
  • Junk foods
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs
  • Stress
  • Particular medication
  • Vitamin or protein deficiency
  • Thyroid or menopause, etc.
  • Male pattern baldness is another common issue leading to hair loss.

As hair loss is best explored on a holistic level, it is best to speak to a scalp professional or a trichologist to understand the underlying cause and symptoms and the other steps you can take to complement your scalp treatment.

Traditionally in history, oils have been used across different cultures to hydrate dry hair and control hair fall. In order to harness the healing powers of these oils for moisture and hair loss treatment, mix 1 drop per 5ml of shampoo. However, oils come in different concentrations and we recommend checking with a scalp professional before deciding if your scalp type is suitable for the addition of oils.

1 Coconut Oil

One of the best remedies against hair fall, coconut oil has been used extensively in Asia. It’s more like a sealant that helps keep your hair moist. Moreover, the oil contains an ample amount of lauric acid which has antibacterial properties. It also provides fine nutrition much needed by your hair.

2 Olive Oil

Not only do olives keep you healthy and smart, they can help your keep healthy and nourishing hair. Olive oil has many antioxidants to maintain nutrition requirement of your hair. Some noteworthy advantages include:

  • It penetrates hair follicles better, control DHT hormone, and prevents hair shafts from narrowing down.
  • Olive oil contains mono unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, both helpful in hair growth as well as preventing hair fall.

3 Almond Oil

Almond oil is rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin D, calcium, iron, magnesium and fats. If you’re applying essential oils, you can use almond oil as carrier oil. As it is absorbed slowly, it gets deep inside the hair and provides the right base for essential oils. So, if you want to get the best natural scalp treatment, apply herbal oil followed by essential oil.

4 Lavender Oil Massage

Lavender oil is useful in more ways than one. Besides that wonderful fragrance of lavender flowers, it contains some amazing benefits for hair.

  • It has antioxidant nutrients
  • It has antiseptic properties
  • It has antifungal properties
  • It treats dandruffs, hair breakage and itching

Lavender oil is a great treatment for alopecia – a condition when a person loses hair in patches. By applying this oil on daily basis, you can eradicate this problem.

5 Rosemary Oil

As the name suggests, rosemary oil is extracted from rosemary leaves. It falls in the category of essential oils that help prevent critical hair loss issues, such as alopecia areata.

One of the major causes of hair loss is due to uneven blood circulation in the scalp. Rosemary oil increases the blood flow which leads to increasing hair growth. Before using rosemary oil, you can improve its performance by applying any carrier oil (almond oil, grapeseed oil or Jojoba oil) before it

With the right treatments, you can easily prevent hair fall in the matter of weeks. But be consistent and massage your head regularly and be sure to monitor for any signs of sensitivity or irritation.

from PHS HAIRSCIENCE – News & Articles http://www.phshairscience.com/blogs/news-articles/94550022-the-holistic-remedy-for-hair-loss
via PHS Hairscience

Welcome to Your WordPress Site

You haven’t written anything yet, but that’s easy for you to do later! Here’s your chance to get your site looking just the way you want it to before the words start flowing. Some inspiration from someone who knew a thing or two about writing:

And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.

– William Shakespeare (A Midsummer Night’s Dream)